The ultimate electric guitar technique set up guide – Part 4
What is the right guitar technique? Part 4: Phrasing Alright here we are in part four of the ultimate electric guitar technique setup guide In this video I will talk about how to apply all the phrasing elements and how to perform them properly. In the previous posts and articles I talked about how to […]
The ultimate electric guitar technique set up guide – Part 3
What is the right guitar technique? Part 3: Arpeggios and Sweep Picking The holy grail guitar technique for many guitarists: Sweep Picking There is almost a mystical aura around this whole subject that says that only the most virtuous and dedicated beings may attempt to even TRY to learn this technique. But it’s really not […]
The ultimate electric guitar technique set up guide – Part 2
What is the right electric guitar technique? Part 2: Playing Rhythm and Scales Click here to read Part 1 of The Ultimate Electric Guitar Technique Set Up Guide first! This is highly important for everything else of what I lay out here to work. Let us start with some rhythm guitar things. STRUMMING The only […]
The ultimate electric guitar technique set up guide – Part 1
What is the right guitar technique? Part 1: Posture I will speak a little bit broadly about guitar technique in the beginning but stick with me, I WILL give you real, actionable advice that will serve your playing in great ways: You will see your playing getting easier even at high tempos, you will get […]
String Noise: 5 Ways How to avoid buzzing strings
On electric guitar if you want to have a recording-ready sound coming out of the guitar, string muting and avoiding unwanted string noise is vitally important. Especially with heavily distorted sound. There are FIVE main ways to mute the inactive strings while playing. It depends on the situation when you apply which technique. I will […]